Friday, September 20, 2013

Good things come for those who wait.

Just a short post but acceptances for DCP spring 2014 have started to come out

which is great, really. I have yet to get it, but i'm still being hopeful. They have a lot of people to get to, so I'm really trying to be as patient as I can.

At first it looked like the order was going by last names A, B, C, etc. But then people with the last names R, Z, and what not were getting accepted, so really I have no clue how or why. Looking through the acceptances, I see a lot of attractions, merchandise, and QSFB and maybe one of two BBB. I am hoping for Character Attendant so I can totally wait, if that ends up with me being that role.

I just feel like they should stick to this whole you will hear 2 weeks after, just because it sucks going from waiting 5 days to having to wait 2 weeks. I mean honestly it hasn't been that long but you know, if you love Disney that much, you really don't want to wait.

So i'm praying that i'm still in consideration :) Good luck to anyone else who applied and hasn't heard yet!

Have a Magical Day!

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